New trees for Nailsworth

Nailsworth residents braved the chill on Saturday 18 January as they joined staff from Stroud Valleys Project, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust and Nailsworth Town Council for a day of tree planting.

New trees were planted in the King George V Playing Fields and Miles Marling Field, with volunteers young and old on hand to dig, plant and secure the young trees.Honorary Nailsworth Town Councillor Dave the Alpaca popped by to lend moral support.

“We were delighted to welcome so many people along to help us plant trees,” said SVP’s Sharon Gardham.“Each one of the 36 trees we planted will capture carbon dioxide in our atmosphere; provide homes for birds, animals and insects; prevent soil erosion; and improve our air quality here in the town of Nailsworth. They also look beautiful and make our town a better place in which to live. Thanks to everyone who came along and joined in.”

Stroud Valleys Project will be planting trees across the district from now until March as part of their bid to plant more trees than ever before. If you’d like to get involved, keep an eye on for opportunities; if you’re not able to join the tree-planting drive yourself but would like to help SVP hit their target, you can buy a tree planting gift certificate on our website for just £10 here:


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