Highlights of our past achievements
People and nature, thriving together
Photo ©Deborah Roberts

Stroud Valleys Project has been at the heart of the Stroud community for more than 30 years, and during that time we have undertaken a huge number and diversity of projects and activities.
Here are some of the most iconic projects that we have been involved with over our first 30 years:
1988 Initial focus was on mills and threats to the local environment
1990 Raised funds for the Wallbridge Upper Lock, restored masonry and brickwork and installed new gates.
1990 Repair and reinstatement of the balustrade at the Georgian Bridge at Lodgemore Mills
1991 New Nature Reserve along the River Frome with Gloucestershire Trust for Nature Conservation (which became Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust) – Frome Banks
1992 Launch of Countryside Programme, moving the focus from built environment to natural environment and greater community involvement and volunteering
1995 Mobile Clean Energy Classroom, specially converted trailer taking the latest non-polluting technology (wind and solar power) to primary schools in the district
1995 Kings Stanley Initiative putting ideas into practice – including planting a community orchard, tackling the village’s traffic problems, restoring the mill and managing Penn Wood
1996 Free Tree Scheme – donated native trees to 12 community groups
1996 Greenways Report for Stroud Town Council identified greenspaces and routes of value for amenity and wildlife
1996 Invited Greenpeace to bring its solar energy generator lorry to Stroud; it was used by Stroud District Council to power the council chamber – the first time a local authority had powered a council meeting with solar power
1997 The Wildlife of Cam – Environmental Capital; planning and mapping at parish level with communities; created a parish map, installed kissing gates and surveyed for wildlife
1999 Supported local residents to set up Stroud Farmers’ Market
2000 Energise, the Stanleys' Energy Initiative, was set up to help local people to save money on their energy bills
2001 Stroud Community Land Trust was set up to lease or buy greenspaces and ensure long-term protection of sites
2003 Social Inclusion programme to work with groups of socially excluded and disadvantaged people
2004 Ecoworks! Advisory service for businesses to help save money and the environment
2004 Severn Vale Biodiversity Project to create a network of wildlife-rich parishes connected by wildlife corridors throughout 42 sq miles, working in partnership with councils, communities, landowners, schools and other environmental organisations
2008 Lead partner for hedgerows in Gloucestershire BAP (Biodiversity Action Plan), trained up volunteers to survey hedgerows
2009 Frampton on Severn Aggregates Levy Biodiversity Project – funding secured for a 2-year project with two project officers
2010 eco shop opened offering a wide range of eco products and opening our doors to the general public
2011 Green Team: Open to all – a new project supporting people with mental health issues and tackling the stigma associated with mental health issues; this has led to continued funding to the present day
2011 Get Growing! supported by Big Lottery to encourage and support children in 20 schools across the district to grow, harvest and sell their own food
2012 Connect and Create – continuing work in the Severn Vale focussing on hedgerows on flight paths of lesser horseshoe bats
2012 Stroud Apple Town, a partnership of local organisations promoting local varieties of apple and organising apple events
2012 European Social Fund and South West Community Project, helping local people furthest from the job market find volunteering and/or paid work
2013 Received Octavia Hill Award from National Trust for Green Space Guardians
2013 Started to create the Walled Garden with Museum in the Park
2014 Capel’s Mill Community Project – we created a new greenspace in the centre of Stroud with volunteers and continue to manage the site with Stroud District Council
2014 The Big Tree Plant – secured funding for thousands of trees to be planted by different community groups around the district
2015 Wild About Kingswood – in partnership with the parish council we created a wildlife area for people and great crested newts
2016 Started work to create a Sensory Garden in Stratford Park
2004–2014 Adult Education contract for 10 years, helping people with English and maths in an environmental setting
2016 Wild Classrooms encouraging children to get outdoors, teaching children about nature and the environment
2017 Appointed a Navigator Developer, working in partnership with 26 other similar roles and 50 charity partners; able to continue our work helping local people overcome barriers to enable them to volunteer and/or move into employment; funded by the European Social Fund and the National Lottery in partnership with the Gateway Trust
2018 Sarah’s Field – project working in partnership with Berkeley Town Council to create a green space for the community